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Alpine Lake, Innsbrook, MO

Dam design for 200 acre lake plus staking surveying, legal description and all necessary permit applications including DNR.

Completed: 2002

Construction Cost: $2.5 million approximately

Innsbrook Dams, Innsbrook, MO

Earthen dam designs for Lake Aspen (53 feet tall, 146 acres)

Lake Innsbrook (46 feet tall, acres)

Lake Alpine (100 feet tall, 240 acres)

Lake Kitzbuhl (50 feet tall, 21 acres)

Lake Konstanz (60 feet tall, 19 acres)

Many other smaller lakes and ponds for the Innsbrook Corporation

Landolt Dam, Mineola, MO

Design and inspection of a 55 foot tall earthen dam for a 30 acre private lake.

Incline Village Lake Dam, Warren County, MO

Dam design for a 30 foot tall earthen dam with concrete spillway for a 140 acre lake surrounded by residential lots.


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